Recent Courses

This page describes courses that I most recently offered in Japan (2018-2023).

The design and delivery of the courses described below are aligned with the Core Purposes of Higher Education as described by former Harvard University President Derek Bok:

“Learning to communicate, learning to think critically, building good character, preparing for citizenship, living with diversity, preparing for global society, developing breadth of interests, and preparing for a career.”

Derek Bok

Entrepreneurial Management

Entrepreneurial Management is the process by which opportunities are transformed into businesses.

Entrepreneurial Management – I

Entrepreneurial Management – I (EM-1) focuses on entrepreneurial management in large enterprises.

Entrepreneurial Management – II

Entrepreneurial Management – II (EM-2) focuses on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management in startups.

This course is also offered under the name Entrepreneurship & New Ventures.

Innovation Management

Innovation Management leverages managerial

a) perspectives (i.e. viewing and thinking about opportunities and threats through business-oriented theoretical lenses and frameworks),
b) decision-making, and
c) actions

to facilitate the innovation process which begins with the “fuzzy front-end of innovation” (i.e. trend analysis, brainstorming and idea generation) and [ideally] ends with the successful introduction of a new Product, Service, Process or Method, Material, or Experience (PSPMME) that creates value (internally or externally) and/or for which customers will pay.

Innovation Management – I

Innovation Management – I (IM-1) introduces students to the fundamentals of innovation management in an era of Disruptive Innovation.

Innovation Management – II

Innovation Management – II (IM-2) builds on the concepts from Innovation Management – I (IM-1) and examines additional topics in Innovation Management.


This two semester course facilitates the design and implementation of a Master Thesis Research Project.

Thesis 1(A)

Thesis 1(A) facilitates the design of a Master Thesis Research Project. The learning objective is to write and successfully defend a Thesis Proposal; that is, the first three chapters of a Master Thesis as well as any supporting Research Instruments, References, and any supporting Appendices.

Thesis 1(B)

Thesis 1(B) facilitates the implementation of a Master Thesis Research and the completion of a thesis; that is, the collection of data and the writing of the last two chapters of a Master Thesis (IV. Chapter Four – Results & Discussion, and V. Chapter Five – Conclusions), References, and any supporting Appendices.

“Leading professors prepare thoroughly for class, build learning communities, highlight the big picture, balance complexity and simplification, make learning as interactive as possible, and continually emphasize the importance of the material. Truly effective and inspiring business professors have a sense of authenticity and purpose that extends beyond the classroom to benefit society at large. In my research, I identified four elements of authenticity that are key to the success of leading professors. These elements include [1] a passion for their subject, [2] a deep concern for their students, [3] a dedication to continuous learning from their students and from research, and [4] a focus on a higher purpose that has a positive impact beyond the classroom.”

– George Siedel, emeritus professor and former associate dean at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business